Only in Orange House! 100sq.m (1200sq.ft) traditional Japanese style rooftop lounge
It is a Japanese style room with a kitchen. It is very popular for foreigners/guests. It’s furnished and there are home appliances, WiFi, LAN cable.
和風レトロ系で統一された和室。일본식 레트로계로 통일된 객실All rooms are set in traditional Japanese styleToutes les chambres sont dans le style japonais traditionnel復古和風的和式房間
2ドア式冷蔵庫。冷蔵庫と冷凍庫が分かれているので便利です兩門冰箱。冰箱和冷藏库是分開的,所以很方便。Refriderator with two cabinets. Because refrigerator and freezer are separated, it’s very convenient Réfrigérateur avec deux compartiments, le réfrigérateur et le congélateur sont séparés c’est très pratique !雙層式冰箱,冷藏和冷凍式分離
各部屋で水道とガスが利用可能。一口ガスコンロもあります。각 방에서 수도와 가스가 이용 가능합니다. 한대의 가스레인지도 있습니다.每個房間有自來水和爐子。一口煤氣爐也有。Each room has both water and gas. There is also a gas cooker.Chaque chambre est équipée en eau et gaz. il y a aussi une plaque de cuisson à gaz各個房間皆有水龍頭自來水和瓦斯及瓦斯爐
押入は机代わりにも使えます。ライト、本棚、コンセントもあり。벽장은 책상 대신 사용할 수 있습니다. 조명, 책장, 콘센트도 있습니다.壁橱也可以當作桌子。房間內也有檯燈,架子,插頭。You can use the closet as a desk as well. There is a lamp, bookshelf, and multiple wall outletsVous pouvez utiliser le placard comme bureau, il y a une lampe, des rangements type bibliothèque et plusieurs prises éléctriques murales壁櫥也能替代桌子使用,燈具,書架,插頭完備
The Building
3 story building with 30 rooms
Private Mini-Kitchen, Kitchen Utensils, Plates, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Heater, Kotatsu (Japanese Table with Heating), LAN Cable/Wi-Fi (Free)
Private Room: 1 Person 38,000-43,000JPY Per Month (Additional 5,000 JPY for an extra guest)
Dormitory: 1 Person 23,000JPY Per Month
Long Term Discount
Second month 1,000 yen discount, third month 2,000 yen discount, 5,000 yen monthly discount after the sixth month
* No discount for the dormitory guests
Other Fees
Common Service Expenses and Management Expenses : 12,000 JPY Per Month
Utility (Actual expense:Avg.3,000JPY/m)
* Utility Fees free for a dormitory.
Washing machine(Free), Dryer 100 JPY
Deposit 10,000JPY / Per person (The deposit will be refunded at the end of your stay unless you violate our terms and conditions.)
Common Use Space
100sq.m (1200sq.ft) Rooftop Lounge
Spacious and cozy, traditional Japanese style rooftop lounge. The launge is 1076ft(100㎡) wide!
Open 24 hours. Neflix, WiFi, Free drinks available.
和風レトロ系で統一されたラウンジ。100m2の広さがあります。24時間利用可能。일본식 레트로계로 이루어진 라운지. 100m2의 넓이입니다. 24시간 이용 가능하므로 언제든 오셔서 즐겨주세요.复古的日式休息室。有100m2。24小时开放。Traditional Japanese style lounge. 100sq.m (1200sq.ft). Open 24 hours.Salon dans le style traditionnel japonais. 100m². ouvert 24/24.復古和風式的交誼廳,100平方公尺寬廣的空間,24小時開放使用。
朝日放送『このへん!!トラベラー』で紹介されました!!아사히 방송 「このへん!!トラベラー」에 소개되었을 정도로 유명한 곳 입니다!Orange House以前被朝日放送「このへん!!トラベラー」(日本节目)上介绍!We were on a TV show by ABC, a Japanese broadcasting station.Nous sommes passé sur ABC, une émission de télévision japonaise.早晨節目『このへん!!トラベラー』中有介紹到我們喔
ラウンジには大型エアコンを設置。夏でも冬でも快適。シンクもあります。라운지에는 대형 에어컨을 설치되어 있어 여름에도 겨울에도 편안합니다. 싱크대도 있습니다.屋頂休息室有大型空調。不論冬夏都很舒適。也有自來水。The lounge is equipped with a large air conditioner, very comfortable whether it’s summer or winter. There is also a sink.Le salon est équipé d’un grand conditionneur d’air (climatisation + chauffage), très confortable en été comme en hiver. Il y a aussi un évier.交誼廳備有大型空調,冬暖夏涼,也備有自來水,洗手台。
月に一回程度、ラウンジではパーティを開催しています。한 달에 한 번씩 라운지에서 파티를 개최하고 있으므로 다양한 국가의 사람들과 어울리며 즐길 수 있습니다.我們每個月都會有party。We hold a party at lounge about every month.Nous organisons une soirée chaque mois.每月會於交誼廳舉辦一次交流派對。
フリードリンクコーナーではコーヒー、紅茶、緑茶が楽しめます。음료수 코너에서는 커피, 홍차, 녹차등이 있으니 마음껏 드셔도 좋습니다.我们提供咖啡,红茶。请随便利用Coffee, tea, and Japanese tea available at the free drink section. Café, thé et thé japonais disponibles gratuitement.飲品區,免費享用咖啡,綠茶,紅茶。
Clothes Drying Area
There is a clothes drying area outside the lounge. Hangers and other equipments are available.
Please use the clothes drying area inside the lounge when it’s raining.
There is a bathroom on each floor. Fully renovated in August 2014! Each toilet is equipped with washlet.
のれんの向こうはシャワーになっています。문 너머에는 샤워장으로 되어 있습니다.帐子的後面就是浴室。There is a shower room behind the curtain.Il y a une douche derrière le rideau.布簾後就是淋浴間
24時間無料でシャワー利用可能。24시간 언제라도 무료로 샤워장을 이용할 수 있습니다.可以24小時免費使用淋浴。Shower is available 24 hours, for free.La douche est disponible 24/24 et gratuitement.24小時免費使用的淋浴間
ウォシュレット完備。便座も温かいので冬場でも快適です。비데 시설 완비. 차가운 겨울철에도 따뜻하게 이용하 실 수 있습니다洗手間有温水洗净马桶!因為马桶座是電磁的,所以冬天也很暖。Equipped with washlet. Toilet seats are warm and comfortable even in the winter. équipée d’un bidet. la cuvette est chauffante et confortable même pendant l’hiver.全館皆為免治馬桶,就算在冬天坐墊也是暖暖的。
All Floors : All Floors : Microwave, Toaster, Vacuum Cleaner, Iron, and Washing machine (Free)
Second Floor : Dryer(100yen/30min)
屋上からはあべのハルカスが見えます。옥상에서 아베노바시 터미널 빌딩이 보입니다.從屋頂上會看到Abeno Harukas。You can see Abeno Harukas from the rooftop Vous pouvez voir le building ABENO HARUKAS depuis le toit屋頂可以看到阿倍野HARUKAS
瓦屋根の家が立ち並ぶレトロな街、昭和町。기와집이 늘어서있는 옛 거리, 쇼와쵸역一片瓦房顶的家,古老而美好的城市,昭和町。Showacho, the traditional area where houses have Japanese style tiled roofs.Showacho, le quartier traditionnel où les maisons ont des toitures dans le style japonais traditionnel.瓦片屋頂林立,古風街道,昭和風的街道
Nearest Station
Subway Midosuji Line [Showacho] station. Exit [2]. 7 minutes walk
Subway Tanimachi Line [Fuminosato] station. Exit [6]. 3 minutes walk
[Tennoji] stations and [Abenobashi] station. 15 minutes by walk
Within Japan 06-6627-0790
Overseas +81-6-6627-0790
* We are not a 24 hour operating hotel.
The manager may be away; please let us know before your visit.
Pictures of the neighbourhood
徒歩5分のところにスーパーあり。深夜1時まで営業!도보 5분 거리에 슈퍼있습니다. 새벽 1시까지 영업!步行5分鐘就到超市。超市營業到凌晨1點!There’s a supermarket nearby, only 5 minutes walk. Open ’till 1am!Il y a un supermarché assez proche, à 5 minutes à pied, ouvert jusqu’à 1H du matin !徒步5分鐘有一間超市。營業至深夜1點!
昭和町駅前にもスーパーあり。こちらも深夜1時まで営業!쇼와초 역 앞에도 슈퍼가 있습니다. 이 슈퍼도 새벽 1시까지 영업!昭和町站前面有超市。這裡也營業到凌晨1點!There’s also a supermarket by Showacho station. This one is also open ’till 1am!Il y a aussi un supermarché près de Showacho Station, lui aussi ouvert jusqu’à 1H du matin !昭和町站前的超市也營業至深夜1點!
駅裏には長屋を再生したオシャレなお店が並びます。역 뒷면에는 연립 주택을 리뉴얼한 멋진 가게들이 늘어서 있습니다.昭和町站附近有很多复古的店。There are many stylish stores behind the station that were renovated from traditional Japanese tenement houses. Il y a beaucoup de magasins très élégants près de la station qui ont été bati en renovant les anciennes maisons traditionnelles des anciens habitants du quartier車站巷子里的老屋翻修後,改成的現代時髦的商店。
あべのハルカスまで徒歩15分。아베노바시 터미널 빌딩까지 도보 15분.15分鐘步行就到あべのハルカス(Abeno Harukas)。15 minutes walk to Abeno Harukasà 15 minutes à pied d’Abeno Harukas阿倍野HARUKAS徒步只需15分鐘。
市内最大級のショッピングモール「Q’s mall」まで徒歩12分。시내 최대의 쇼핑몰 「Q ‘s mall」까지 도보 12분.到市內最大的購物大廈「Q’s mall」只要12分鐘步行。12 minutes walk to the biggest shopping mall in Osaka “Q’s mall”à 12 minutes à pied du grand complex commercial : Osaka Q’s mall市內最大級購物中心「Q’s mall」徒步只需12分鐘。
桃ヶ池公園では春になるとお花見が楽しめます。모모가이케 공원에서 봄이 되면 꽃놀이를 즐길 수 있습니다.在桃ヶ池公園,春天的時候能享受赏樱花。You can enjoy Hanami (cherry blossom festival) in Spring at Momogaike Park!Vous pouvez apprecier Hanami ( comptempler des fleurs de cerisier) pedant le printemps au parc Momogaike !桃之池公園在春天時可以賞花。
Guide on Guest House Neighborhood
300m height! Only 15 minutes walk to the highest building in Japan “Abeno Harukas” Located near popular city attractions, with great public transportation to places like Osaka Castle, Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, Universal Studios Japan, Tsūtenkaku Tower. Only a few minutes walk to the nearest stations. Within walking distance, there are supermarkets, convenience stores, 100 Yen shops, fittnesscenter, bicycle shop and the ward office.