Guest House Information
Phone Number
Office Hour : 10:00-21:00
* When your call is connected to our voice mall, please leave your message and we will call you back as soon as posssible.
* We are not a 24 hour operating hotel.
This guest house does not have a manager in residence. Please let us know before you visit us.
2-5-15 Shimanouchi Chuoku, Osaka, Japan, 542-0082
Information of the Nearest Stations
Subway Sakaisuji Line, Sennichimae Line, Kintetsu Line [Nipponbashi] station. Exit [6]. 5 minutes walk
Detailed direction to the guest house
From Nipponbashi station Exit [6] to Melon House
1. 니혼바시 역 6번 출구로 나와서 U턴 하여 사카이스지의 북쪽 방향으로 향합니다.
1. From [Nipponbashi] station Exit [6], please make U-turn and go north on the Sakaisuji street.
1. Depuis [Nippombashi station] sortie [6], faites demi-tour et allez vers le nord sur la rue Sakaisuji.
2. 도톤보리의 동쪽 입구를 넘어 다리를 건넙니다.
2. Pass Doutonbari’s east entrance and cross the bridge.
2. Passez l’entrée Est de Dotombori et traversez le pont.
3. 오사카신용금고와 NTT 빌딩 사이의 코너에서 우회전합니다.
3. Turn right on the corner, between Osaka Shinyo Kinko and NTT building.
3. Tournez à droite dans au virage, entre Osaka Shinyo kinko et NTT Building
4. 300m直進すると左手にメロンハウスが見えます。
4. 300m 직진하면 왼편에 멜론 하우스가 보입니다.
沿路前進300m後可以在左手邊看到Melon house
4. Go straight for 300m and you will see the Melon House on the left hand.
4. Allez tout droit pendant 300m et vous verrez la Melon House sur votre gauche.
沿路前進300m後可以在左手邊看到Melon house
5. 왼쪽편에 멜론 하우스가 보입니다. 1층에는 가게가 있습니다.
5.melon house就在左手边。1楼是家店铺。
5. You will see the Melong House on your left. The shop on the 1st floor.
5. Vous allez voir Melon house sur votre gauche, le magasin au premier étage.
5.直走後左手邊,就會看見Melon house(1樓是店鋪)