All private rooms have their own small kitchens and modular bathrooms.
Spacious room (196sqft). Great for a couple and friends!
Community life and international mingle in Namba, the center of Osaka
Each room is fully equipped with furnitures, electronics, and the internet. You will feel right at home from the day you arrive!
広々としたお部屋。Chambre spacieuse
食器は自由に使用してください。식기는 자유롭게 사용해주세요.房間裡有餐具,欢迎使用。You are free to use all the tablewares.Vous pouvez utiliser toute la vaisselle comme il vous plait.餐具可自由使用
窓用エアコン(冷房)、ガスファンヒーターkotatsu heater, AC, gas heaterAir Conditionne, chauffage a gaz
冷蔵庫、 電子レンジ、トースター、炊飯器、食器類、調理器具kitchen with dishes, cutlery, cups and kitchenware, refrigerator, microwave, toaster, rice cooker,cuisine avec vaisselle, couteaux, verres et ustensils, refrigerateur, micro-onde, toaster, cuiseur de riz
The Building
7 story building with 12 rooms
Modular Bathroom, Cooking Equipments, Tablewares, Refrigerator, Microwave, Toaster, Kettle, Rice Cooker, Air Conditioner, Gas Heater, Wi-Fi (Free).
50,000 – 70,000 JPY per month (Accommodate up 2 guests per room. Utilities included)
Rooms 1 offer the long-term discounts for 3 or 6 month stays.
Other Fees
Laundromat (small 200JPY, large 300JPY), Drying Machine (100JPY / 20 minutes)
Common Service Expenses and Management Expenses : 10,000 JPY per month
Deposit : 10,000 JPY per guest (refunded when leaving, unless you violate our terms and conditions)
Common Use Space
Quite lounge on the 7th floor. Netflix available.
2016年改装しました。2016년 개장했습니다.我們從2016年重新裝修了。Renovated in 2016.Rénové en 2016.2016年改裝
スカイパーフェクトTVが見れます。스카이 퍼펙트 TV도 볼 수 있습니다.能看sky perfect TV。You can watch the cable TV (SKY PerfecTV!).Vous pouvez regarder la télé cablée (SKY Perfect TV!)能夠收看SUKAPA電視
居室よりも広めのキッチンにはIHコンロを設置거실보다 넓은 주방에는 IH스토브를 설치在廚房有電磁爐子。The kitchen larger than the one in the guest room. IH cooker available.Il y a une cuisine bien plus grande que celle dans les chambres. Plaque à induction disponible.比寢室還大的廚房設有IH電磁爐
こたつでゆっくり読書ができます코타츠에서 천천히 책을 읽거나 다양한 업무를 할 수 있습니다在被炉能安靜的讀書。You can enjoy reading at the Kotatsu, the Japanese style table with heatingVous pouvez lire tranquillement dans le Kotatsu, la table basse traditionnelle japonaise avec chauffage.使用暖桌悠閒的讀書
7階建て12部屋7층 12실共7樓層12房7 story building with 12 roomsBâtiment à 7 étages muni de 12 chambres.共7樓層12房
共有スペース공유 공간共同空間Common Use SpaceSalle commune公共空間
コインランドリー(大300円、小200円)빨래방 (대 300엔, 소 200엔) 洗衣机 (大300日元,小200日元)Laundromat (Small 200JPY, Large 300JPY)Machine à laver (petit 200JPY, grand 300JPY)投幣式洗衣機 (大300円、小200円)
8階には物干し場があります。8층에는 빨래를 널 수 있는 공간이 있습니다.在8樓有晒台There is a clothes drying area on the 8th floor.il y a une zone pour secher vos vêtements au 8ème étage.八樓設有曬衣場
Nearest Stations
Subway Sakaisuji Line [Nipponbashi] Station. Exit [10]. 8 minutes walk
Subway Midosuji Line [Namba] Station. Exit [4]. 10 minutes walk
Nankai Line [Namba] Station. South Exit. 8 minute walk
Within Japan 06-6131-6677
Overseas +81-6-6131-6677
* We are not a 24 hour operating hotel
The manager may be away; please let us know before your visit.
Pictures of our neighbourhood
日本橋駅⑩番出口から徒歩8分니혼 바시 역 ⑩번 출구에서 도보 8분從日本橋站10號出口到Lemon House。8 minute walk from Nihonbashi Station Exit 88 minutes à pied depuis Nihonbashi sortie 8日本橋站⑩號出口出來徒步8分鐘
徒歩2分のところに郵便局あり도보 2분 거리에 우체국이 있습니다.到郵局只要2分鐘步行。2 mintues walk to a post office2 minutes à pied du bureau de Poste郵局徒步2分鐘
徒歩2分のところに業務用スーパーあり도보 2분 거리에 업무용 슈퍼가 있습니다.到业务專用超市只要2分鐘步行。2 minutes walk to a supermarket2 minutes à pied d’un supermarché業務用超市徒步2分鐘
徒歩4分のところにも業務用スーパーあり도보 4분 거리에도 업무용 슈퍼가 있습니다.到另外的业务專用超市只要4分鐘步行。4 minutes walk to another supermarket4 minutes à pied d’un autre supermarché另一間業務用超市徒步4分鐘
徒歩5分のところにディスカウントショップあり도보 5분 거리에 할인점이 있습니다.到優惠店只要5分鐘步行。5 minutes walk to a discount shop5 minutes à pied d’un magasin discount廉價超市徒步6分鐘
徒歩6分のところにスーパーあり도보 6분 거리에 슈퍼가 있습니다.到超市只要6分鐘步行。6 minute walk to another supermarket6 minutes à pied d’un autre supermarché超級市場徒步六分鐘
道具屋筋も徒歩圏内중고숍도 도보거리내에 있습니다.走路就可以去道具屋筋Walking distance to Doguyasuji, where you can find all sorts of cooking equipmentsDoguyasuji joignable à pied, l’endroit parfait pour trouver tout les ustensils de cuisine dont vous avez besoin.道具屋街也在徒步圈內
Only 8 minutes walk to Namba! Great location, enjoy night life without worring the last trains.
Great access to anywhere in Osaka. Perfect for sightseeing or longer stay. No curfew.