Located in the residential area of Sakai, city of World Heritage site, yet only 10 minutes to Tennoji, 15 minutes to Namba and Umeda is also in commuting distance.
Good access to the Kansai International Airport as well.
Spacious room (larger than 157sqft /8 tatami mats). You can also share a room with your friend.
Free utilites (electricity and internet), it’a even better deal with 2 or more people
Despite located in a quiet residental area, only 15 minutes to Namba. JR, Nankai, and Subway (Midosuji Line) stations nearby.
For a limited time, we are having a special promotion! Right now, we are offering 5,000Yen discount on your first month rent!
Refer-a-friend program.
If you refer us your friend, we give both you and your friend a 5,000Yen discount!
Please contact us for more information.
Each room is fully equipped with furniture, electronics, and Internet. You will feel right at home from the moment you arrive!
約9畳の広々としたお部屋です약 9조의 넓은 객실입니다是个14.5.平方米左右的房间The room is very spacious, about 16 sq.m (9 tatami mats)Les chambres sont très spacieuses, dans les 16m² (9 tatamis)寬廣的房間,約9個塌塌米空間。
冷暖房、家具をご用意しておりますので、手荷物だけで入居後すぐに快適な生活냉난방, 가구가 준비되어 있으므로, 가벼운 수하물만으로 입주 후 곧바로 쾌적한 생활이 가능합니다.有具备家具,空调,只带随身行李也能住的舒适Each room is fully furnished, has AC/heater and basic appliances. You will feel right at home from the day you arrive! Chaque chambre est totalement équipée, Clim/Chauffage et équipements ménagers d’usage commun. Vous allez vous sentir comme chez vous à peine arrivé !冷暖氣,家具已附於房間,只需一卡皮箱,即可入住。
お二人様でシェアしていただくと更にお安くなります두분이 입주하시면 더욱 저렴합니다與朋友們一起入住会更便宜!It is even cheaper if you stay with a couple or friends! C’est encore moins cher si vous rester avec des amis !如兩人同住,分攤房租更加經濟實惠
The Building
6 story building with 42 rooms
Kitchen Utensils, Plates, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Kotatsu (Japanese Table with Heating), LAN Cable/Wi-Fi (Free)
16,000JPY per Week (utilities, common service expenses and management expenses included)
・additional 2,000 JPY for extra guest, 4,000 JPY for extra 2 guests.
30,000-40,000JPY per Month (utilities included) we are offering 5,000Yen discount on your first month rent.
・additional 5,000 JPY for extra 1 guest, 10,000 JPY for extra 2 guests.
Other Fees
Common Service Expenses and Management Expenses : 10,000 JPY per month
Laundromat (small 200JPY, large 300JPY), Drying Machine (100JPY / 10 minutes)
Deposit 10,000JPY per guest (refuned when leaving, unless you violate our terms and conditions)
Common Use Space
Community Lounge (on each floor)
There is an area that you can get together with the housemates on each floor. You can also watch Netflix on the 1st floor lounge.
エアコン完備で夏も冬も快適です에어컨이 구비되어 있어서 여름에도 겨울에도 편안합니다有空調,不論冬夏都很舒適。Equipped with air conditioner; very comfortable even in hot summer or cold winter.Equipé de l’air conditionné; très confortable pendant la chaleur de l’été comme pendant la fraicheur de l’hiver.空調完備,冬暖夏涼,宜人舒適
テレビや映画を見たり、食事をしたり、みんなの集まる場所ですTV와 영화를 보거나 식사를 할 수 있으며 모두 모이는 장소가 있으 매우 즐겁습니다是个空间大家聚在一起看电视,欣赏电影,吃饭。This is the place people can get together and watch TV, movies, eat and talk.Voici un endroit où les gens peuvent se retrouver ensemble et regarder la télévision, des films, manger et parler.看著電視電影,一邊用餐,這是大家齊聚交流的場所
各階にテーブルと椅子を設置각 층에 테이블과 의자를 설치每层楼都备有桌子和椅子There are tables and chairs on each floor.Il y a des tables et des chaises à chaque étage各樓層均附設公共桌椅
テーブル、椅子を設置してあります테이블, 의자가 설치되어 있습니다有具备桌子和椅子Tables and chairs available.Tables et chaises disponibles附設公共桌椅
見晴らしがよく、夏にはPLの花火大会も見れます전망이 좋고, 여름에는 PL의 불꽃 놀이도 볼 수 있습니다景色很好,夏天能看到PL的烟花大会Great view from the rooftop. You can see the PL fireworks festival in summer.Une belle vue depuis sur le toit. Vous pouvez y voir le festival des feux d’artifices PL en été.相當好的視野,特別是夏天可欣賞PL教祖花火大會。
Common Use Kitchen (1F)
There is a gas cooktop, rice cooker, microwave, all utensils and appliances you need for cooking are availabel.
Shower room (1st floor), Toilet (on each floor)
Free, open 24 hours
調理器具、食器等、調理に必要な物はそろえてあります조리기구, 식기 등 조리에 필요한 물건은 갖추어져 있습니다有具备料理用具,餐具等,做饭时需要的设备Kithchenwares and tablewares are available. Equipements ménagers et ustensils de cuisine disponibles.料理器具,餐具一應俱全
24時間無料で使用可24시간 무료로 사용 가능 24小時免費Available 24 hours, for freeDisponibles 24/24 gratuitement24小時免費使用
手前が脱衣スペース、奥がシャワーブースとなっています앞쪽이 탈의 공간, 안쪽이 샤워 부스로 이루어져 있습니다前边有脱衣处,里边有淋浴处Dressing space is in the front, the shower room is in the back.Une salle pour vous changer est à l’avant et la salle de bain est au fond.淋浴間,位於更衣空間的裡面。
Common use PC (4the floor)
Free, available 24 hours
Clothes Drying Area (5th floor)
You can dry your clothes outside when it’s sunny, and inside of the lounge when it’s raining.
Sink (each floor)
Oven tosters and kettles are available on each floor, next to the sink
Rooftop (6th floor)
Benches and tables at the fine view rooftop.
Laundromat, Drying Machines, Irons
Laundromat (1st floor) : small 200JPY, large 300JPY
Drying Machines (1st floor) : 100 JPY / 10 minutes
Iron (5th floor) : Free
コインランドリーは3台、大きめのサイズのものもあります세탁기은 3대, 큰 사이즈도 있습니다這裡有3台洗衣機,還有大尺寸的。There are 3 washing machines, we have bigger sized as wellIl y a 3 machines à laver, nous en avons de plus grandes tailles aussi
各部屋専用のメールボックスがあります각 방 전용 사서함이 있습니다每個房間都有一個專用的郵箱。Each room has its own mailboxChaque chambre a une boite aux lettres
無料でご利用になれます무료로 사용할 수 있습니다這是免費提供使用的。 It will be available free of chargeCela sera gratuit
シンクは各階にあります。싱크대는 각 층에 있습니다每個樓層都設有水槽。There is a communal sink on each floorIl y a un lavabo commun à chaque étage
屋外と屋内に物干しがあり、雨の日も安心です야외 및 실내에 건조대가 있어서 비오는 날에도 안심입니다休息室外和室內都可以晾衣服,所以下雨天的時候也不用擔心。There is drying rack both outside and inside the building, so no worries if it rainsIl y a des étendoirs à l’exterieur et à l’interieur du bâtiment, donc pas d’inquiétude en cas de pluie
Nearest Stations
Subway Midosuji Line [Nakamozu] station. Exit [7]. 14 minutes walk
Nankai Koya Line [Mozuhachiman] station. 5 minutes walk
JR Hanwa Line [Mozu] station. 5 minutes walk
JR Hanwa Line, Nankai Koya Line [Mikunigaoka] station. 8 minutes walk
「ふとん太鼓」(秋祭り)の時期には多くの人で賑わいます이불 북」(가을 축제)시기에는 많은 사람들로 붐빕니다「ふとん太鼓」(廟會)的時候會很熱鬧 When there is 「ふとん太鼓(Futon Daiko)」(Fall Festival), It can be very busy with a lot of peopleQuand il y a “ふとん太鼓 “(Futondaiko)(festival de l’automne) cela peut être très demandé et rempli de monde
日本最大の古墳、「仁徳天皇陵」일본 최대의 고분 “닌 토쿠 천황 릉”日本最大的古墓是仁德陵。biggest ancient tumulus in Japan, 「Nintoku Mausoleum」il y a la plus grande ancienne tombe, (mausolée de nihontoku)
桜や紅葉も楽しめる大仙公園までは徒歩10分벚꽃과 단풍도 즐길 수 있는 다이센 공원까지는 도보 10 분 거리步行十分鐘就可以到達大仙公園,在路程中還可以欣賞到櫻花和紅葉。You can enjoy cherry blossoms and red leaves in the fall at Daisen park, 10 minutes walkVous pouvez comptempler les fleurs de cerisier et le feuillage d’automne au parc Daisen, à 10 minutes à pied
南海高野線、「百舌鳥八幡駅」남해 고야 선 ‘모즈 하치만 역’南海高野線百舌鳥八幡站Nankai Koya Line [Mozu Hachimangu] station Nankai Koya-Line [Mozu Hachimangu station]
南海高野線、「三国ヶ丘駅」Nankai Koya Line [Mikunigaoka] station Nankai Koya-Line [Mikunigaoka station]
地下鉄御堂筋線、「なかもず駅」8番出口を出たところ지하철 미도스 지선 「나카 모즈 역 “8 번 출구를 나옵니다地鐵禦堂筋線、「なかもず駅(Nakamozu Station)」8號出口前面right in front of Subway Midosuji Line [Nakamozu] station [8] exit Juste en face du métro Midosuji-Line [Nakamozu station] sortie [8]
スーパー・LIFEまで徒歩7分슈퍼 LIFE 까지 도보 12분到”超市.LIFE”需要7分鐘的步行時間。7 minutes walk to super market, LIFE7 minutes à pied du supermarché, Life
コンビニ(ファミリーマート)convenience store (FamilyMart)superette (FamilyMart)편의점(FamilyMart)便利店(FamilyMart)
郵便局우체국郵政局Post OfficeLe bureau de poste郵局
スーパー イズミヤまで徒歩8分슈퍼 까지 도보 8분到達Super Izumiya 超市需要8分鐘的步行時間。8 minutes walk to Super Izumiya (スーパー イズミヤ)8 minutes à pied de Super Izumiya (スーパー イズミヤ)
Guide on Guest House Neighborhood
JR, Nankai Line, Midosuji Subway Line give you maximum accessibility to anywhere in Osaka. Quiet location yet only 15 min away from Namba.